RapTheGod User is banned. Joined Aug 3, 2014 Posts 1,048 Reacts 0 Reputation 0 Credits 0 Feedback 0 / 0 / 0 Sep 13, 2015 #1 got a checker yesterday so im checking a bunch of words. 1. baldly --- ? lol 2. attendees --- could be worse 3. bulldozes 4. bulldozing still checking usernames so ill either update this thread or just make a new one.
got a checker yesterday so im checking a bunch of words. 1. baldly --- ? lol 2. attendees --- could be worse 3. bulldozes 4. bulldozing still checking usernames so ill either update this thread or just make a new one.
JWS Onyx user! Joined Aug 24, 2015 Posts 553 Reacts 1 Reputation 0 Credits 3 Feedback 0 / 0 / 0 Sep 13, 2015 #2 Good luck to whoever cops these!