B*d**i*s / Selling Cheap Only $130 MP


User is banned.
Im selling a pretty cheap oG for $130 If you dont know what it is by now pm me and I will tell you, I have already gotten permission to sell this tag completely secure. NO MATTER WHAT CHILL WILL MM as he has already stated need this gone by today will also throw in a sick ass banned tag. Please no sells trashing, I have already informed Chill Thanks and happy buying.
Wait but didnt we already establish this was T.exas? If not, carry on.
@verm the thread is by the same person ..
Oh my bad i didnt see that , thanks for the heads up
You want to leave my thread did you not read the OP message Chill to confirm he said its oK to sell it I clearly state that he will be the MM so please leave my thread if your just post boosting and sells thashing
Legends said:
You want to leave my thread did you not read the OP message Chill to confirm he said its oK to sell it I clearly state that he will be the MM so please leave my thread if your just post boosting and sells thashing

That has nothing to do with what I posted?
I said you were a multi accounter not a scammer.