Background that i've made to my mate C4D + PS


Hey, i've made this background to my mate Jack, cause he asked me to make a background so here it is.

The text is made in Cinema 4D R12, and all the other stuff is made in photoshop CS5. So what do you think about the background, i've would like to get some constructive cristism, from you guys, that i could learn from and make better in the next background, that i'm gonna make.
// Spetnazz :angel:
trd360 said:
I like it but the corners of the background seem too empty. Add something there to spice it up.
Ty, and yeah the corners is kinda empty, i'm gonna put some sparks in the corners, in rainbow colours

DawnOfWar said:
I really like this
Very well done 9/10!

Except like the above comment, It's a little blank on the side. Try putting a faded grid or something, Just a suggestion
Ty and as i said in the first reply, i'm gonna put some sparks in the corners too, or maybe some flares ^^

nuclearrambo said:
Really well done. This just made me want to learn C4D
Keep up the good work :>
Ty dude. Glad to hear that this kinda motivated you to learn C4D, loads of guides on youtube
It's pretty... plain. There's lots of empty black space; you should fill those up. And add more effects too. That'll make your background look a lot better.
It was really cool. But as alot of people here said, a bit to much black background. Add some more effects and it will be awesome!
I like the text, but as other have said it is way empty and plain. Try to add some more effect, but do not go overboard as there is a threat that it will turn way too chaotic.
I dont really like it i'm sorry because of the random effects all over the image and the text is to lighted compared to the background. The lights right and left of the text is ugly and doesent fit into the picture. More training and you will succes your goals!

Ratings: 5/10
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