As some of you may know, there is a bacterial fungus that get's inside of the ant, and then takes over it's host. It them climbs a plant stem to a high enough place, makes the ant clamps itself to the plant to not fall, and then the fungus kills the ant. Now, whilst eating away at the ant, it's using those nutrients to expand itself, breaking outside of the insects shell and releasing spores which spread the fungus even more. A better explanation and info can be found here . Now I have one question, why is it doing what it's doing? What is it hoping to accomplish? I can't wrap my head around why it does what it does as it isn't rational. It literally is just trying to spread itself, but for what purpose? It isn't trying to achieve world domination. It's not some advanced species with a thought process and opinions like humans. It has one job with no end and no rational purpose.