Now just to be fair, and so the actual ban can be effective to those who actually do deserve to be banned, if someone scams someone and there is full proof that it was that person, then they don't qualify to be bailed out.
To bail someone out you have to pay a certain amount of Koins or $ to Philly. It should take at least 24 hours to process. Philly can then use all the money from these bail outs to improve the forum or to add to his porn collection. Whichever one he prefers.
Just so a member isn't constantly being banned and returning knowing that his buddy is going to bail him out, there should be a limit on how many times you can be bailed out. Maybe something like 1 time a month. After you've been bailed out 3 times, your next ban will be your permanent ban. No exceptions.
I thought this would be a nice addition to the site. Post your thoughts and be sure to cast your vote on this.