Ban or Lock any Xbox Live Account

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Active Member


  • This guide teaches you how to lock or ban any Xbox Live Account, whether it be an account you had hacked from you in the past and weren't able to regain access, or just somebody you really hate and want to see lose online time. There are three methods included in this guide, one is for a temporary lock, one for a permanent lock and the final one for a 9999 ban. In case anybody doesn't already know, locking an account means the player cannot sign into the account AT ALL, and I'm pretty sure everybody knows what a 9999 ban is.

  • For all members the price is $5
  • Message me on AIM or via PM to buy.

Payment Methods:
  • PayPal ONLY.


Tupac said:
I can vouch that this method works. I have it, GLWS.

Phantom said:
Vouch, he has sent me this method and it for sure works.
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

Is it confirmed by a Staff that it works?
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

MILF said:
Is it confirmed by a Staff that it works?

It's not confirmed by staff. However I'm pretty much the only one selling guides regularly on here, all my other guides have multiple vouches. One has a staff vouch from Chronos.

Apostle said:
I doubt you can lock ANY account, GL with it though.

What's your GT?
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

Apostle said:
Lock the gt Egosurfer , and I'll believe it.

I'm not doing a free lock service, buy the method and you can do it yourself.

I should be getting some vouches soon, got some people messaging me.
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

I can vouch that this method works. I have it, GLWS.
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

Vouch, he has sent me this method and it for sure works.
RE: Lock any Xbox Live Account

Thanks for the vouches, added to original post.

I just got on AIM, hit me up on there if you want to buy.
Updated. Now selling this with an extra method to get any account banned until 9999.
If you need a staff vouch I can do it. Also If you take LR(i read the OP) I would like to get it also
I don't accept LR and I'm not up for a staff vouch, I have three vouches and I think I'm already trusted enough.
Ok, Juvi, I thought I would try xD. I might buy this with PP when I get some xbl sold
I sold another copy earlier. Hit me up if you want to buy this.
Vouch for Juvi , hope to get a copy of this soon .
Kipper said:
Vouch for Juvi , hope to get a copy of this soon .

Thanks for the vouch. You know where to reach me when you want to buy bro.
Still selling this, best guide there is on how to do this. Hit me up to buy it right now for only $5.
GrƷƷd said:
I'm very interested in this, ill message you.

You didn't message me. Hit me up if you actually want to buy bro.
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