Beats 1,200 post giveaway!


Power member.
Okay so as some of you may know I just recently hit my 1k posts and I forgot to do a giveaway. But today I hit 1,200 posts and I'm doing a giveaway. So pick a number and I will put you in!

GT: Fussiness

1. Rock
2. Fatboy
3. Belief
4. Bulbasir
6. Hide
7. Doc <3 *WINNER*
8. Paranormal
9. Restore
10. Cole
Ill take number 7 mayne, thanks booboo
Belief said:
dafuq is /) ? some kind of unibrow smilie? D:

Haha no sorry I'm on my iPhone lol it was supposed to be a smiley :)
I'll take any number bbyboo
Ill take number 8 man nice giveaway. Congats on the 1200 aswell :)
Just throw me in #10, just helping you fill up the spots :)
I'll take number 9 ooooh I hope I win!
Ill take 6 please, nice giveaway!
Yay last number i hope i win this account
Ill take number one if that's alright with you. Thanks and good luck to everyone
Doctor has won the giveaway I hate proof below