I'm new to this forum; so I don't expect you to trust me at first. However I run a Bitcoin investment site and I'm looking to start accepting payment via PayPal.
I need PayPal holders to accept payments, they are secure and verified by me (I take their ID's and written agreements). You will receive 10% just for holding the money and sending and/or withdrawing it.
You will need: US/CA/UK PayPal (if other, please message), a cell phone that I can text you at (calling isn't necessary), an aged Verified PayPal that isn't limited or has any issues.
Please note that these payments will not be held or charged back. I can guarantee that and will refund you personally if the situation does rise. I have proper documentation and agreements to fight and win disputes.
In case you're bad at math, 10% of $1000 is $100 (just for doing nothing).
If you're interested, message me your Skype.