Before Grand Exchange was nice.

I miss old RuneScape which is around 2006. Rune arrows costed 1k each, full adamant costed 70k. A lot of prices were high and it was easy to make money, especially with smithing.

Anyone else liked it before Grand Exchange?
Nope, had a crappy computer. EVERY TIME I visited a bank, it would LAG my pc like hell.

Plus, at the time, 100k was being rich as fuck xD.

Kind of miss it, but now I cant live without the grand exchange
In 2006-2007, I had someone train my account for me when I had full adamant on. Next thing you know, he hacked me and took it, then I threw a fit .. over full adamant. Now, I can afford at least a thousand sets.
The General Stores were also crowded as hell because it acted as a Grand Exchange. Having 100k back then was like having 1 mill now.
I love the grand exchange. Made it so much easier to buy stuff.
yeh you cant buy/sell anything now, without an auto typer lol
I miss the old grand exchange actually :3
Pandemic said:
No, grand exchange ftw.
It's almost instant buy

yeh youd set to lowest price and boom straight away, was brilliant
Ireppgold said:
yeh youd set to lowest price and boom straight away, was brilliant
The prices now in the ge are insane. -.-"
Lol i played at 2003! I quit at 2006.
Rune used to be the best armour back then! but and yea all the stores were crowded. Especially the arrow shops lol.
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