Being frank with all our friends, relatives and well wishers is always good. I am an out spoken person and always be frank to every person who are close to me. I don't want to hide anything from my close circle like my wife, parents and my true and real friends, but i don't share all my personal things with all my friends, i only share my things with some of my close friends and always remain frank with them.
By being frank we don't hide anything with our close one and we will become an open book to them. But we must be careful while sharing our secrets with others, some times our open activity may give some unwanted problems, so we must be careful and share our details with selected friends. Some people are very innocent and share their things with every one, they thought that they are very frank to every one and they don't have any hidden things, but this kind of frankness will give some problems to them, so be careful while being frank.