Best and most trusted Gold Site?


I was thinking about getting some extra gold via a gold site once free trade is back so...

What are the gold sites that you know of that are trustable...and have good prices? , very friend used to use them a lot!
Nice I will check em out, and I am guessing the gold prices of all of the gold sites are going to drop a lot once free trade is back!
this gold site was even around during the trade limit, they went on ur account and still probably will, they merch in the .g.e very quickly or something like that...1b is supposed to take 24hrs if u already have a 100m+ bank;p
Forty Fivee said:
this gold site was even around during the trade limit, they went on ur account and still probably will, they merch in the .g.e very quickly or something like that...1b is supposed to take 24hrs if u already have a 100m+ bank;p

That's the transfer method, it isn't very good.. they use 2 accounts to do it, but the next day you get banned for 14 days.
no you don't...not the last time my friend did it..was like Oct.
avoid I will keep it in mind.
Anyone else have any other suggestions? is terrible, I've been scammed by them before.

I suggest, all my deals with them (5+) have been successful
haha no kidding, I am considering just buying from people off of here and off of HF xD
Will probably be cheaper + safer to be honest
I've had some great experience with Gold4RS in the past, I sold an account to them for $100, and they actually paid me. In total, I've had 3 successful transactions with the site, although it's been a couple of years since.

Personally, depending on what you plan to do, I'd probably stick to this, I'm sure it'd be much cheaper.
Jut buy off here, it has the lowest rates, and HF won't allow rs trading anymre
Gold4Rs is the site I had the best experience with.
taco lad92 said:
lol i personally dont trust any of them

Same, one $15 dollar bot = way more than 15M.

And lasts for life =D (or untill the bot shuts down, which is normally more than 15Ms worth of time)