Best item to alch?


Onyx user!
What's the best item to alch to lose the less amount of money?
With the free trade it is really hard to make money while alching.

You will most likely loose about 200 each alch, but do bows, battle staffs, or Diamonds.

I do feathers, just because I don't care about loosing money and they are cheap.
NickVsYou said:
go on scape-xp

they have guides on what to alch

I looked around, couldn't see anything.
I alch maple longbow (u). Not sure how much it's cost me but I haven't lost too much.
Currently 98/99 mage.
Alch items that can be brought in huge chunks and can be noted. Maple log bows U is an example.
the_lol said:
Alch items that can be brought in huge chunks and can be noted. Maple log bows U is an example.

Obviously... I'm not new to Runescape. I'm asking what the best item is to alch without losing a lot of money.
Go to the scape-xp calculator that someone linked you with. I used that when I was alching.
the_lol said:
Go to the scape-xp calculator that someone linked you with. I used that when I was alching.

The thing is... All the best items to alch NEVER buy in G.E.
You don't need to alch the bestitems, just find something that you can manage.
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