Its my 18th in a month and my mum said she would like to get me a laptop for university.
Its going to be used for mainly word processing, coding, progamming, web, movies, downloads and perhaps gaming etc
Im not one for webbooks, and neither am I the one for huge laptops that are bigger than my desktop monitor.
Ive always wanted the macbook but for what I want to do, i require it to run on windows.
Before you say Alienware, the 17inch is far too expensive and the battery life is kinda crap. I require a laptop with a good few hours battery life, although the M14x is extremely tempting, especially as its just been released!
What laptop would you recommend? Dont worry about the price aslong as its not gold plated and costs £10,000 etc. ::Tounge:: Ill propably put moneies towards it anyway.
Let me know