Best mods, fav mods


I really like the simply horses mod and the mo'creatures mod...


and the gun mod <3

Also I found an easier way to install mods with this thing called Magic Launcher, just in case anyone else sucks at manually installing mods like I do
I use MultiMC for managing all my mods and Minecraft instances.

When I played MC a lot, I used mods like IndustrialCraft, Buildcraft, RedPower, Equivalent Exchange, etc.
Optifine like a motha fucka.
^Lol. On an eight year old upgraded to windows seven XP computer ...Optifine can't even help me. :p
Portal Gun, planes, guns, cars, aether, and OptiFine of course :p
But I stopped playing after 1.7.3, now I just have a world with a little mine I made, I don't really play anymore, but I might get back to it.
I only play multi, but I have this vampire mod on my server. It's the best.