Best Niche to advertise on IG?


Onyx user!
Anyone has any idea what the best niche to advertise on instagram is like affliate programs or anything really.i have a 134k ig and I want to use it for a good use

Health and fitness would easily be the top two niches.
"Like if [x]" appeals to a younger audience, and those pages seem to grow quite quickly.
It was just a funny instagram, but I need a specific product to sell on my instagram to make money
Treasure said:
It was just a funny instagram, but I need a specific product to sell on my instagram to make money

It's pretty obvious, you haven't seem it before I assume.


Paid apps or apps with crap tons of ads. Make an app , publish it on Android and iOS and make it paid and tell all your followers to download/buy it for a shoutout or something. I see this all the time on IG, your account has to be pretty big though.

I've got like 8 but I haven't published 3.
Humor accounts are absolutely retarded. Go for fashion.