What in your opinion is the best retro gaming console? It can be from any branch producer (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft etc) My favorite retro console is a Nintendo console and it is the Nintendo 64, It had the best games that are still going tiill this day!
I havent had very much time to play on Xbox because my brother is always hogging it. But I've heard the Xbox is way fun. But I would have to go with the Microsoft computer. Its not that I like their games in general but I like certain games a lot. Take for example Roller Coaster Tycoon or Sims.
I never played retro games or on retro consoles. It was before my time. I grew up with Microsoft 98 and I always played A2 Racer ( A Dutch race game ), Midtown Madness 2 and Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. Talking about it, I'm gonna play RCT 2 right now .
Well uhm same like meneer.....not all......but some
It was 95 operating system which I used first and the games were not so interesting and then 98, xp and now 7
Best one was nfs 2 sen and MM2