Best stat IG on FK


User is banned.
I'm selling this for the owner. It's a 2.45m follower account and averages 200k likes per photo. I will only be taking PayPal for this. PM for the @. Trusted members only.. NO LOWBALLS.

C/o: $2,000 @epidemic
RE: Best stay IG on FK

How much is the owner looking for?
This can easily sell for $20,000. There is an extremely low amount of people on this site that have this type of money to spend haha. Could you PM me the name?
Hope said:
This can easily sell for $20,000. There is an extremely low amount of people on this site that have this type of money to spend haha. Could you PM me the name?

Wow way to make the rest of the fk members feel poor.
This kid has to be fucking happy hes about to go dummy with that $ congrats!
Boltage said:
Wow way to make the rest of the fk members feel poor.

I would never buy anything for over 4k on the internet haha. This instagram is absolutely amazing.
Hope said:
This can easily sell for $20,000. There is an extremely low amount of people on this site that have this type of money to spend haha. Could you PM me the name?

Okay hold up, let me sell the house that I don't own and the car that I don't have to pay for this IG.

Anyways, hopefully you find your friend a buyer man, this is a crazy stat account.
I'll throw a 950$ offer on this badboy
I actully loved this account sucks he decided to sell it
ill offer $1k flat for this, PM me if its jacked or not.
Ride said:
ill offer $1k flat for this, PM me if its jacked or not.

No. It is not jacked. I am just selling this for the owner.
@Ride aint got the money to fuckking blow lmao bump me to $1,400
240 said:
@Ride aint got the money to fuckking blow lmao bump me to $1,400

you win all i got it $1k and some dope @s lol
Fucking insane instagram. TBH, I just want a wild @G550 to appear and snatch this account for like $20k.

It would make me happy.
Bump. Still looking for a lot more offers.
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