Best tag on the market.

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User is banned.
GT: N**b

OOh kill'em.

Can't wait for all the GT nerds to rage over my tags again.

Bin: 1.5k BTC / Half upfront or get the fuck out. Not dealing with children, it's on a fresh silver, not jacked. PM me for proof of ownership.
Satan said:
GT: N**b

OOh kill'em.

Can't wait for all the GT nerds to rage over my tags again.

Bin: 1.5k BTC / Half upfront or get the fuck out. Not dealing with children, it's on a fresh silver, not jacked. PM me for proof of ownership.

Holy shit, this is easily the best on the market as of right now, im suprised Savaged/Clerk didnt jack this lol, regardless, glws dude
Very nice tag Hopefully someone pulls through and cops this amazing Deal
I think we will have to go sell our car or something to get this haha. Easily best tag in the market
GLWS @satan
How did no one buy this yet. Good luck with selling it
Dope GT man! Good luck selling this, everyone's broke asf on here so it might take awhile.
Damn nice tag m8, you should star it all out tbh & only show to people with funds. GLWS

People who might have interest
@junior @agony @bomb @noob

Only taging bc money & it's a tag & they own all the amazing shit as is
Amazing ass tag.. Glws and yeah I agree with the others this should be censored.
Amazing tag bro but why negative rep me for trying to buy you're akype you added me boss man tighten up

I bid 1k and u just post away lol
GLWS , probably the best tag on FK. Please don't sell to @agony his having bad luck with tags , he will be suiciadal after something happening to this
Sick tag. Good luck with sales. Bet it's extremely fun to play on.
This is insane whoever gets this is gonna get some crazy reactions.
Please remove the tag its too easy to guess!!! Youll get it banned it happend to a mate recently and that would be very unfortunate, especially with a tag like this :/ GLWS
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