Best Tag Out There

I vouch for this statement. Please stop trashing this poor man's thread :'(
Shadow said:
I vouch for this statement. Please stop trashing this poor man's thread :'(

Thank you, you guys. I sincerely did not scam anyone on here and wish people would stop pointing fingers before they even know their facts.

Still open to reasonable offers.
I earlier got the two HF profiles mixed, but now know which is which. Good luck KciNN .
To be honest this tag has a FAIR buyout, especially due to the rarity. There's only 7, which is what made me love November being 1 of the 12 months. Good Luck Thursday, don't take any less than 250 for this.
Don't even know what to say about half of these statements, goodluck with sales...
Smash said:
1. This ISNT the best tag
2. You scammed for the twitter @Regret, wtf?
3. $350 for Saturday, you gotta be kidding me shits worth like $80
Lol Saturday been banned. The tag is Thursday Rawr been called Saturday in and got that shit the hammer 2011.
Really like the tag. Good luck with sales, just use a middleman
if this is the old user "kciN" he is a scammer. too sketchy wouldn't deal if i were you. he takes back aims

Major Nelson said:
Lol Saturday been banned. The tag is Thursday Rawr been called Saturday in and got that shit the hammer 2011.

rawr and saturday are two diff people. i was really good friends with saturday... and yes saturday is banned
1000 said:
if this is the old user "kciN" he is a scammer. too sketchy wouldn't deal if i were you. he takes back aims

rawr and saturday are two diff people. i was really good friends with saturday... and yes saturday is banned

I'm not the user kciN, it's just a weird coincidence. I actually had the name "kciNN" before "kciN" on HF.
Tag is pretty nice, being that theres only 7 of these tags and one of them already banned makes it pretty rare. I wouldnt pay the BIN but its still worth a decent amount
Major Nelson said:
Lol Saturday been banned. The tag is Thursday Rawr been called Saturday in and got that shit the hammer 2011.

He did the same to Aquaman lol. Every tag he ever tried to UA he got it perm'd.