Best way to spread


Youtube Friend Bomber

There was already a tutorial on this program, but I found it not that descriptive, and also I have a serial key that registers it so that you can you use it forever without the trial :)

So first download the program at this website, Youtube Bomber

This is a very good way to spread your bots because it's very simple and free.

Once your finished downloading the trial, you will open it up and it will ask for a Serial Key, put in this one; 11Y11Y1111Y11Y

Now what you'll want to do is go to the Setting tab and change all settings to this:

Spoiler (Click to View)

You are doing this because Youtube doesn't let you send a PM every couple seconds so you need to spread out the time to 30 seconds.
Also You want to send more than 40 messages, which is the default limit.

Optional: Go to the Manage Account tab and you can put in numerous amounts of accounts so that once you reach your PM limit you can quickly change your account.

Optional: Also you may want to check out the Commentor tab, I haven't tried this out yet, but it should be commenting on the ID's channel, which if It's a popular channel a lot of people will be clicking the link.

Optional: There is also a Friend Request tab which lets you send a bunch of friend request, but I'm not sure why you'd want to do that. XD

Next, on the right where the Youtube page is open, you'll want to search and find a popular video that is related to a topic you will be messaging people about. Once there scroll down and click "All Comments".

Next go back to the left side and click the Gather ID tab. This is where you will get all of the peoples ID's to send them a PM. Now just click "Gather ID" on the bottom.

If you get around 200 - 400 then go to another video and find more, you want at least 1000. Once you've found enough, click the floppy disk at the bottom to save the ID's and then click the tab Messenger.

Now here is where you will be sending a bunch of messages to random people to download your bot/RAT/Keylogger or what I use is a link.
From here you will want to click the arrow pointing down, underneath the rectangular box and open up the text file where you saved all of your ID's. Next you will want to type something in the Subject and Message box for them to download or click your link.

**NOTE** You can use the $$name$$ feature to make it look like your only sending them (one person) this "special" link.

Now just click send and you'll be getting slaves in no time :)
Taken from another website so please post credits / a link to the original article.
Ok check now i have posted the source (the website from which i took this)
Hope u like the tutorial