Best/Worst Part of Dragon Ball Z


Active Member
So the part when Vegeta went ballistic after Trunks was injured by Cell is my favorite part of Dragon Ball Z. The only problem I had with this was the fact that Vegeta didn't even scratch Cell after all that badass fighting. This is also the moment when I started to like Vegeta over Goku since Vegeta actually develops as a character over time. Goku, on the other hand, is just always better than everybody without even trying. Maybe it is because I have an older sibling that I feel that way.

Yeah here is the vid. I don't think anyone can deny that this is one of the most epic moments in this show. That piano riff gives me chills every time.

I find Dragon Ball Z the only enjoyable anime. Vegeta was always my most favorable character no specific reason why. The whole Cell Saga was insane.
Fuckin Vegeta is a beast. That blue outfit with super saiyan hair is sexy lol. My fave character would have to be either SS2 Teen Gohan or SS Regular Future Trunks.
My favorite part in Dragonball Z, has to be when Ultimate/Mystic Gohan beat the shit outta Super Buu. I never really like Gohan as a kid, but him in the Buu saga was too cool. The worst part of Dragonball Z, to me, has to be, the fact that Future Trunks was suck a weakling. He's one of my favorite characters, so I didnt like that at all.