BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, 100% Nex Maps, Newer Clothing & More!

RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

y did u ban me harlan? my user name is god1231232 ? id dint do anything to violate rules!
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

Demon said:
y did u ban me harlan? my user name is god1231232 ? id dint do anything to violate rules!

There was recently a dupe, so maybe you partook in that? I don't know, but he's fixing it right now!
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

Bump for Harlan.

RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

Bump, more people should play
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape ~ Forums ~ Webclient ~ Dedi VPS [317 PI]

Automatic Coding said:
Don't go on it! I got muted for calling harlan a fucking jew then banned for making a new account called "harlansajew".

Bullshit -_-

I think I already have one great reason to join.
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

It's a good server. I highly advise people to play it

I haven't played much since last reset, went from one of the richest to poor as dirt
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape|CastleWars|SS|Webclient|Achievmts| [317 PI]

Will said:
It's a good server. I highly advise people to play it

I haven't played much since last reset, went from one of the richest to poor as dirt

Same =(
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Bring up the post, lots of updates (updated thread). Shame to have lost you as forum mod Derik.
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Downloading this right now, looks really cool!
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Just got owned there =P

Thank you very much you taught me something =)
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Harlan is like, the boss of private servers.
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Bump for only non-leached server I've seen in this section.
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Guys Harlans a sap, His Server Failz Ppl scam on it 24/7, His server is easy to glitch on
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

lol wonder? I can't help if people scam, action is taken against them though. Not sure what you mean by easy to glitch on...
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

look nice
i will contact with your at the pm
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

nice server very complexed
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Critics said:
nice server very complexed

Thanks, i do take pride in how much time i spend on it.
RE: [RSPS] BetaScape - | Unique | Summoning, Castle Wars [317 ]

Downloading right now.
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