Birejji, PaySnork, RO2 {Argument}


Here we go..
Let's argue which site is the best. Pick your site and stand up for it...

I choose PaySnork because it is MUCH better than Birejji and RO2 because PaySnork has higher earnings and soon will have a much lower minimum payout when version 2 is launched.
PaySnork is just a simple paid to chat site just chat and your earnings raise they have a flat rate per message over 25 characters + a bonus pot to earn you more.
Am comfy with Ro2... have been there and paid quite a few times now... and with making new friends all the time, love the layout being fresh and simple i doubt i could check out anywhere else... i really am too busy to dedicate my time in too many directions right now.. unless sites i am testing don't pay... will let you know!
I prefer RO2 as there are many ways to earn. Paysnork's platform is too simple.It has a poor alexa rankings so yeah that's why.Not a lot of people visit the site.
PaySnork minimum $1 but in 2-3 weesk when version 2 is released will go down to $0.20
Birejji minimum $0.25 - instant payments
RO2 $1 Normal rate!
Paysnork sucks. Besides, there's not more than 10 people in a room. And though there was bonus pot earlier, its 0 currently. So, I stopped using it.
PaySnork will have all it's members come back when Version 2 is released not many members chatting currently because their waiting for Version 2. You can see version 2 preview here and the Alexa Ranking won't be great because PaySnork is still a fairly new site.
Birejji and PTC [paid to CHAT] Sites sux
We need to waste whole day to get only 4 - 5 cent

PTC and PTP are better
Incorrect. On PaySnork I got $4.90 in 3 days!! I even have payment proof if you want to see it.
1. Do you have any referrals?
2. How much per messages?

If thats true [4.90$ in 3 days] then no doubt but I will register
At the time the flat rate was $0.0001 and the bonus pot was $0.0005 I was chatting for a few hours for those 3 days. When version 2 comes out the bonus pot will be on more currently in the old version it is usually at $0 now a days. And the members don't come online much since everyone just wants to wait until version 2.

I have 40 referrals BUT only 1 is active LOL
wjack2010 said:
Incorrect. On PaySnork I got $4.90 in 3 days!! I even have payment proof if you want to see it.

Then you are lucky, for the rest of us PaySnork is unbearable
Not in version 2 infact i have seen over 3 people get over $2 in less than 1 week. if you were on RO2 it can take MUCH longer. And on Birejji slightly longer but not lots.
Ok I will register tomorrow under you. Send me referral link in PM please. Thank you and good night
I have seen the moderator of Birejji on Paysnork!! Is it an indication of the things to come?
Ok no problem. Thnx for link. I am registering. I hope I can do it from mobile. If not I will do it later from PC as soon as I reach home
Yeah, it can be used via mobile quite a few people use it on mobile actually. Iwon't be online this morning on PaySnork but I might be in a few hours got some stuff to do.
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