So I've been thinking about 07scape ever since the start of this week. How I'd approach playing it again, how to make monies without RWTing, blah blah.
For now I've decided to just take the skiller approach and gain a bunch of resources, equipment and food for the later stages when I get bored.
After a long tedious friend list cleaning this is the result of camping lumbridge for about 40mins or so.
Day 1: The Beginning
Day 2 ///:
Day 3: Le le le
Day X:
Day 5? No, It's day 'already bored of RS':
I'll be adding progress pictures twice daily to record all gains and losses.
bye guys
For now I've decided to just take the skiller approach and gain a bunch of resources, equipment and food for the later stages when I get bored.
After a long tedious friend list cleaning this is the result of camping lumbridge for about 40mins or so.
Day 1: The Beginning
Day 2 ///:
Day 3: Le le le
Day X:
Day 5? No, It's day 'already bored of RS':
I'll be adding progress pictures twice daily to record all gains and losses.
bye guys