I have received the honor to review Janitor's eBook. I will give my honest thoughts about this eBook, but if you have any specific questions, you are free to PM me, however I will not give any information that possibly could reveal the method.
I am very surprised at this method in a positive way. The method itself and short and simple, but that does not deter from how much you may earn. The method itself is solid and the core idea is something I am aware it should work. The claims OP provides are somewhat true. What I mean by this is that it will take more time than 2 minutes, however the main this is that you will get at least $25 each time you complete this method, and it is repeatable. I would say to first get profit, it make take you 1-2 days, but once you get comfortable with it, you are able to get these profits a lot more frequently.
Overall, this is a pretty solid whitehat method that is able to make some handsome profits even within just a week.