BO2 League Play


New Member
If anyone knows how to boot and can help me get into platinum or masters this late into the season hmu. I'll pay.
I wouldn't suggest doing this.
Just get to masters legit...It's easy.
You should just get good instead of being a little bitch and booting people offline.
Not sure if you can get into masters this late into the season. And no need to boot, just get a team together and play.
Incident said:
If anyone knows how to boot and can help me get into platinum or masters this late into the season hmu. I'll pay.

I can play with you and get you into Masters. I finished Rank 4 Masters last season. Hit me up if you want to play sometime.
I'd be happy to help you rank up in League,

but why would you boot to rank up?

Then your rank wouldnt be legit.
I can boot to get into masters but it's boring to me.
you're so fucking bad if you have to boot to get into masters -_- lol i hate people that do this, the banned user swear bought a booter just so he could get masters haha. makes no sense how kids can be so bad at a video game. i get into masters like its nothing, but then again i have years of MLG experience...
Dont be cheap and boot people offline get good at the game and win
I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to "host boot". I've read the rules and I'm 99% positive that it's against the rules. I will be reporting this thread.