Bonus EXP is almost over D:


Onyx user!
So what did you accomplish over bonus exp weekend?

I got:
94 Mage
40 Crafting

I wish I could have gotten more. So little time. And there was so much Magic EXP to gain.
got me some 75-82 wc on one account

35-62 mining on another
55-71 on ANOTHER

win :)
31 Crafting 37 WC 47-57 Attack (trying to get this SW Bot working)
I got 93-94 fishing =/ I was selling this account then realized it was double exp and that I should have just tried to get 99 fishing to increase the value.
99 range, 96 mage. :)
78-82 mining =D
Should have tried something else, just really want 85 mining!
I got some decent stats I only boted a bit today though 83 fletching and some combat stats
Too bad my membership ran out today morning. I couldn't train all that I wanted.
Really 1.1% isn't really a big difference from 1.0.
thank god it's almost over... i wanna train prayer on an altar ffs...