Bonus XP weekend just started!


What are you guys doing?

I am going for 99 herblore, at level 50 now.

And if I get that which is unlikely, I'm going for 99 strength.
hopefully getting my 80 fishing up.

also my 93 wc. too bad it is non member.
Started training fishing on main.
Cbf doing anything on my pure.
Going to suicide the whole weekend. Going for 85 mining + 78 atm.
94 mage at 85 atm 44% there getting 186k xp an hour does the 1.1xp after 600mins count till the 13th?
Mr Elite said:
94 mage at 85 atm 44% there getting 186k xp an hour does the 1.1xp after 600mins count till the 13th?
I was wondering the same thing. Hopefully so.
i jsut did red chins for an hour, got 650k xp, 200k to 99 range but will do that tomorrow.

and then will do 94 mage to 99
i might actually just go barrage some mage level...uhg fuck...should i buy my arcane stream neck now then? uhg fuck it..idk what to do...get stats for Karosi...dung(even though it's not double tokens) or mage ...( i would herb or range but chins are sky high cuz of this and alll the herbs are bought out lol) What do you guys think?

i'm a turmoil zerker.
sexy get stats for korawsi cuz rock lobs will be packd.
i plan on gettin some stats for korawsi on main and training str on my pure
I should have bought black d hides for crafting but I cba to sell my hard leathers.