Booting Someone Offline (Help)

Master Chief

A good booter to boot players offline?

I have these

1)Jays Booter


3)Low Orbit

None of them work. Well maby once in a while. But all they really do is disconnect me offline and not the victim lol.

Am I doing something to make this happen? Or are these booters are crap and I need something esle?

Please if you can tell me a booter or correct me and tell me what I am doing wrong to make me get booted offline instead of the victim.
Try buying a custom booter off HF. Jaysbooter is crap bro.
Master Chief said:
Alright than ill try.

Do you boot players off? What kind of booter do you use?

I had a guy over on HF named Skittles09 make one for me. JaysB sucks, and netools just lags them out, buy a custom one off HF and you will be good to go. Also, make sure you are doing it right lol