Busy Shop [updated]


Power member.

Instagram: C****

Hint: Something you sit in at school

700-1000 likes in 24 hours
The account gets tagged a bunch by people. (1.6m tags)
Has a pretty decent feed, thats where most of the likes come from.

Bin: idek (This is a personal account also not one of those text post accounts)

Instagram: Carton

Bin: 45

Instagram: Vibrated

Bin: 30

Twitter: @Stages

lmk accepting trades also

Bin: 50


Snapchat: Some

6k score
400-550 story views
Gets atleast 20 adds a day

Bin: only a good offer as this being my main, has good value. Also looking for another snap in the same range.

Snapchat: Hair
Gets around 20 adds a day
Pretty much a fresh account, very few people added, low score.


Kik: Axis

Bin: 65 (just because its my personal atm cry)

Accepting trades also


Random Stuff

Twitter: 46k stat never once botted
Twitter: 10k
RE: Busy Shop

I am interested in the IG? Is this a couch?
Is there any chance you'd sell the name by itself?
not interested in the stat sir
RE: Busy Shop

@JokeHF nigga in what world do you sit on couches at school
RE: Busy Shop

Oral said:
@JokeHF nigga in what world do you sit on couches at school

that sad moment when the word isnt couch/couches
RE: Busy Shop

Busy said:
that sad moment when the word isnt couch/couches

Well I'd bid 80 i think this is Conch or Cover or Crouch
Im very interested in just the name sir!
RE: Busy Shop

JokeHF said:
Well I'd bid 80 i think this is Conch or Cover or Crouch
Im very interested in just the name sir!

its neither of those lad, if you would like to know the name pm me
RE: Busy Shop

JokeHF said:
Well I'd bid 80 i think this is Conch or Cover or Crouch
Im very interested in just the name sir!
You aren't very smart are you??
RE: Busy Shop

Azazel said:
You aren't very smart are you??

Maybe he's one of those people that does whatever he feels like so he actually just goes and sits on everything
RE: Busy Shop

PM me that stat twitter in "random stuff" I might take that off your hands.
RE: Busy Shop

Well ima bump this because yolo
RE: Busy Shop

Bumpppp selling everything but the snap atm working out a deal
RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

Will trade a nice Snapchat for the snapchat or offer in PayPal 
RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

bumpppppppppppppp someone should cop something
RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

kik @ weekvnd please, interested in the 15k stat..
RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

I will bid $20 btc for the Sc

RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

this is my 3rd time bumping this in a row kms
RE: Busy Shop [For The Low]

Vouch bought bunched :)trusted seller