Buying ( $136+ )


User is banned.
I posted in the buyers market as that seemed the obvious thing to do. That section seems to be less active. If posting this here is not allowed please feel free to close this tread and/or move it. I'm buying anything that catches my eye. Most interests include;
2chars ( any media )
soorts niche anything 
lmk what you have. I have paypal and i will only go first to a trusted member. If you think you're "trusted" when you obviously ARENT, i will pick a mm as i deem worthy. Possibly @Rexy or @Towel / if you want philly to mm you pay his price, I won't. Feel free to tag members with any of these things that I'm looking for.
I have @hoy and @cents if interested and kiks Age and Toggle
I have things but yet can private message. Do you have a Kik? We will deal onsite.
Lone said:
I have things but yet can private message. Do you have a Kik? We will deal onsite.

uh yeah i have a kik, I doubt you'd have anything i like though.. what's your kik
Rotten said:
uh yeah i have a kik, I doubt you'd have anything i like though.. what's your kik
I just made this Kik, you can message: LoneFK
I have an OG twitter, what's your kik, we will probably end up using @monster as a MM
Up2admin said:
I have an OG twitter, what's your kik, we will probably end up using @monster as a MM

I prefer @rexy or @towel , but @monster might be a good mm to try, I've never used him before though. Feel free to tell me your kik
Rotten said:
I prefer @rexy or @towel , but @monster might be a good mm to try, I've never used him before though. Feel free to tell me your k[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]to converse about this[/font]
Thanks, kik'd you let's hope it works out
FeaR said:
Do not deal with this member this is his 18th FK account is a ban evader.

it appeared to be a multi, thanks for the confirmation @FeaR this is the owner of the twitter i already PM'd you about
I have a decent @, I'd like to use @Zeus as a MM if you're okay with that.
Selling 8 Ball Pool coins at $1 per million coins. let me know if interested.
my boss said:
I have a decent @, I'd like to use @Zeus as a MM if you're okay with that.

Pm me the @ as i might be interested. I'd feel safer using a mod as a mm if you're comfortale with that.
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