Buying 3 letter OG kiks


Active Member
I do not want random 3 char or 3 letter kiks. I want actual 3 letter OG kiks, like Fly or See. 

My budget is fairly large so let me know if your selling or if you can direct me to someone on-site who is. 

Id also like to deal with someone whos been around for awhile.
@Bomb Not spending all on one kik obviously but i have about 3k to spend on shit
@monster has the Kik: hug I do believe.

I got 'cbf' which means can't be fucked, common UK slang.
@Bomb i use paypal. Im bout ready to pass out so PM me or something and ill hit you up later.
@Fade im not too interested in that since im from the U.S lol.

@Monster Im not really into that kik. Thanks for offering though.

Still looking for something to buy
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