Buying a OG PSN 90$ BTC Budget

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Onyx user!
my budget as in right is 90$ BTC
looking for a nice PSN
will only be dealing with a trustyworthy ass nigga

please no aids
has to come with OG info,serial etc.. and fully secured
cause i dont want it pulled back
you don't want a acc with serial Lol anyone with serial can have it within minutes of live chatting
Your budget is too low for a secured account buddy. You will only get aids accounts that will get pulled back later. Up your budget & hit me up
rockstar_upt said:
Your budget is too low for a secured account buddy. You will only get aids accounts that will get pulled back later. Up your budget & hit me up

i could up my budget but i wont hit you up fam lol
Yea i agree lmao i know this must of been a starter price but you won't get anything good for around just $100
Snupe said:
Yea i agree lmao i know this must of been a starter price but you won't get anything good for around just $100
yea just something nice since im gonna get a psn soon so i want something nice but not too OG with fucking aids
enjoi said:
yea just something nice since im gonna get a psn soon so i want something nice but not too OG with fucking aids

Bring your budget up and wait the market out for a WHILE. Something will come around soon.
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