Buying best Banned Tags

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Hey i got the banned tag Package hit me up
@Forum is right.
Most good GTs are banned, v1s, or owned by Microsoft.
Good luck buying, don't get scammed.
Hunt said:
Nty, I'm looking for the best of the best.

I mean you know you can't do anything with banned tags correct?
I have the tag Scary. pretty nice IMO. hmu thru pm or kik(in my signature)
I think Panda is the best banned tag out there fuck knows where he is lol.
I have the sickest banned og matey. I want xbl gold for it. Pm me now.

GT: Surprise (this the actual tag @epidemic you pleb lol)

Edit: You dont like Scary or Package? What are you after lol.
I hope that you find what you are looking for
Hunt said:
lol, guys I was looking for the "best" ogs out there. Not package and surprise and shit. lol, glws though bruh

Scary is pretty fucking good, I'm surprised you aren't going with that?
I got a two letter banned tag, PM me if you want to buy it.
LOLOL @hunt so far everyone has offered some good tags. You missed out on mine. Why don't you be more specific and ask which tags you want. #LONG
E‌‌ said:
LOLOL @hunt so far everyone has offered some good tags. You missed out on mine. Why don't you be more specific and ask which tags you want. #LONG

lol, mostly looking for animal tags not plural/ gods. but the best I've seen is Scary, the others don't really make sense "Package"...
Hunt said:
lol, mostly looking for animal tags not plural/ gods. but the best I've seen is Scary, the others don't really make sense "Package"...

I offered you 'Surprise' but you didn't even reply ignoramus.
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