Buying CoD Main Acc [Budget 150$]


Looking for a sick CoD main acc.
Doesn't really matter about the gamertag as long as its not xXS1CKSN1P3ZzZ

What it must have:
Black Ops: 15th
MW3: 10th or higher
MW2: All Unlocked Etc

Doesn't matter about CoD4, WaW and Blops 2.

Budget: $150
I have all of that + more. Comes with a year and a half of live aswell :)
GucciMane said:
I have all of that + more. Comes with a year and a half of live aswell :)

How much would you be looking for? Also, what the gamertag?
Be careful dealing, there's loads of mains with alts nowadays
Ill Look through my accounts and see if i can hook you up..

Ill Look
COD4, MW2, and W@W: 10TH prestige

MW3: 2nd 67

BO: 2nd

Halo reach: very high level dont know it

GOLD: for 3 more months

DLC: W@W, MW@, and Saints Row 2 full games. lots of addons (resurgence, stimulus, First Strike, etc.) and arcade games (pacman, etc.)

9000 Gamerscore

GT: Per Codificare (I can swap it with any nice tag of mine)

at least a 2 year tenure

interested? i will let this go very cheap