Buying CoD Main Acc [Budget 150$]


Looking for a sick CoD main acc.
Doesn't really matter about the gamertag as long as its not xXS1CKSN1P3ZzZ

What it must have:
Black Ops: 15th
MW3: 10th or higher
MW2: All Unlocked Etc

Doesn't matter about CoD4, WaW and Blops 2.

Budget: $150
I have all of that + more. Comes with a year and a half of live aswell
GucciMane said:
I have all of that + more. Comes with a year and a half of live aswell

How much would you be looking for? Also, what the gamertag?
Be careful dealing, there's loads of mains with alts nowadays
Ill Look through my accounts and see if i can hook you up..

Ill Look
COD4, MW2, and W@W: 10TH prestige

MW3: 2nd 67

BO: 2nd

Halo reach: very high level dont know it

GOL for 3 more months

DLC: W@W, MW@, and Saints Row 2 full games. lots of addons (resurgence, stimulus, First Strike, etc.) and arcade games (pacman, etc.)

9000 Gamerscore

GT: Per Codificare (I can swap it with any nice tag of mine)

at least a 2 year tenure

interested? i will let this go very cheap
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