Buying drugs online


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There's been a lot of threads lately on purchasing drugs on the deepweb. I am pretty tempted to be honest. There's so much shit I want to buy like molly, wax, LSD, etc. but I am not so sure if I want to take the risk to order it. I can order it to a friends house but there was a time where his mom got the package before he did. Am I being a pussy or what?
just open up a po box or some shit, ezpz
Moon Knight said:
SR2.0 got taken down, along with Hydra. Not sure if the current SR3.0 is legit or not. So be careful.
I was going to buy from Evolution I was told that site was legit.
The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club.

get my drift.
I have also wanted to do this for sometime. My balls aren't that big though.
Plenty of legit vendors. You just have to pay attention to forums.
I would just open a PO box, i would recommend not getting it delivered straight to you or a friends house.
yeah, you being real pussy my nigga, get that shit locally and jerk the plug, take all his shit and walk away cus this america. "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine, fuck you, pay me"
I wanna do this but no balls and don't fancy jail time.
I'd personally rather get drugs from a friend or someone I know that I can trust.
Don't get a PO box, very stupid idea. A PO box you are on camera when you enter and leave the post office. You also need two forms of ID.

Evolution vendors with high feedback are 110% safe, their stealth is awesome and I recommend getting it sent to a location where nobody's parents can open it or anything..

Most important rule about the dark web is keeping your fucking mouth shut IRL.

People get in trouble because they have huge mouths!

Pm me for anymore questions or help!
If you really set on ordering drugs online, have them sent to a drop house so you're not compromised
Just get a connect IRL bro dont buy drugs online.
As glizzy said don't do PO Box. Just ship to your house like any other package. If you are asked to sign anything or come into the post office to pick up a package say that you never ordered anything and ignore them.

No one cares about you ordering $100 worth of drugs in the mail to your house.

Also unless you hang out with degens its much easier to just buy online vs dealing with shady characters IRL. Would you rather buy high quality stuff from someone with reputation vs a friends friend who cut your shit 3x.
Bomb said:
If you really set on ordering drugs online, have them sent to a drop house so you're not compromised

No way of being compromised unless he speaks of it to the wrong person and it gets out to give Feds suspicion. Packages are through priority mail which gives you the right as a human being to sue the fuck out of them for opening your personal mail. UPS & Fedex have some type of right to check your mail without your say, I don't remember exactly how it goes right off the top of my head.

OP: You should do some searching on Google or reddit about it and find out for yourself. If you're sketching about it, it's normal because everybody sketches. Everything is safe with it but of course there still is a risk.
It cost so much more to buy shit locally like a eighth on the web is like $20 and its loud while here in NY its $45 for street bud.
@cas @bomb @citrus
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