Buying Dumped Accounts!


Buying 1k+ accounts! 1k=1m? Will negotiate!

Skype : Fabsyyy

Sorry let me change this. Accounts that haven't been check before.
Sorry. Some guy on Near-Reality forums is selling 5k for 5m. Not sure what the prices range from.
1 account is like 1$ ea
Neohobeo said:
1 account is like 1$ ea

According to the type of account
Lvl 3 accounts with no bank don't go for 1$ ea

They're unchecked, with the potential to have a LOT or be nothing... it's well worth the risk of $1.

A bit too cheap.
it's called a risk for a reason ;/ it's like a lottery tbh when buying since i might have checked all accs and then sell you...
ChinaTiger, remember me from NR? Btw I just got 25 for free . Nothing really special on them. Lot's of level 70+'s.
You're guaranteed to make more than 1m from 1,000 unchecked accounts.
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