Buying OG or Semi $30 - $40

Justice Mind

User is banned.
Hey just looking for a nice gamertag preferably OG

Only got about $40 in PayPal so that's my budget.

I got a nice semi
GT: Pleather (Synthetic Leather)
Price: 20$
HMU if interested
Eh nah not really man, something that's more common well atleast a word that's actually used

Thanks anyway.
I have couple of ganertags:
Inductees ; Veterinarians ; Desiccator ; Amphitheatres and Pithead.
I have the gamertag : Restored, hit me up current bid is 40.
Do you have aim? If you do what is it?
I just made an aim then,

My username is Murderocracy.

I think ahha.


Still looking.

Anyone got anyone DBZ characters or Pokemon or anything like that?