Buying or trading for an OG tag!


User is banned.
$100 limit unless the tag is amazing
I also have a main account that has 6 years on it (almost 7) with a brand new year on it.
12.5k GS
Cod 4 max
MW2 max
Halo 3 5 star general
Borderlands downloaded online
Lots of other DLC!
Message me with anything you have to offer, as long as it's a tag!
I'll add people on the account incase I get an offer I'm interested in
Thanks guys!
Not completely up for selling it unless I have a good tag lined up for a new account... Sorry
i still have that account- guarded, i will sell for 45.
i have the gt- sunfish

HMU if interested
I'm selling the GT: Cheaper.
Looking for $130 LR and I'm throwing in
the GT: Monique and GT: Excessive (Banned).
Let me know if you're interested.
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