

Hello FK,

So recently a lot of my shit got beamed, turboed or deleted so I'm currently looking to buy/trade some of my shit atm. Lmk if you're selling or trading and we can take it to kik or pm. Thank you

Note: a middleman can be used if needed.
you scammed mason out of the kik 0t which he bought from @risk

dwc everyone op is a scammer
Sadistic said:
attempted to impersonate me, DWC people.
I attempted to 'impersonate' you.. Who are you? I have never tried to impersonate anybody?
ShayeGOD said:
I attempted to 'impersonate' you.. Who are you? I have never tried to impersonate anybody?
you have previously impersonated @6m on instagram so I don't know where that bullshit statement comes from
Jawline said:
you scammed mason out of the kik 0t which he bought from @risk

dwc everyone op is a scammer
Mason is one of the biggest scammers in the community T_T we used to be close, every time he beamed somebody he'd tell me. He's a sad boy. He only beamed people with decent shit without FK so he couldn't get reported.

Jawline said:
you have previously impersonated @6m on instagram so I don't know where that bullshit statement comes from

Impersonate? I had access to @6m for around 2 hours?..
@shayegod that's why he only scams offsite imo he's legit on here as far as i know, I just got a gamertag off of him
Jawline said:
@shayegod that's why he only scams offsite imo he's legit on here as far as i know, I just got a gamertag off of him

Well.. That's what you think. What GT? I seriously didn't 'impersonate' @6m on IG.. I had access. If anybody wants to deal with me and be sure the deal goes smoothly we can use a middle man of their choice.
@shayegod and he was legit with you, why would you even scam him now nobody ever will deal with you anyways
Jawline said:
@shayegod and he was legit with you, why would you even scam him now nobody ever will deal with you anyways

Alright. Whatever. Let's be honest dude everybody scams offsite ?? if anybody likes g shit or i buy depending on who it is I may go first or use a trusted middleman.
Voices said:
@ShayeGOD "everybody scams offsite" boy what kinda shit r u on

Mate. You'd be surprised how many people I know that have FK that scam offsite.

Voices said:
@ShayeGOD "everybody scams offsite" boy what kinda shit r u on

Tbh instead of 'everybody' i meant to buy most people.
not true at all, even mason doesn't scam offsite anymore ask @haloreAch lmao.

you've basically admitted to scamming so you'll be banned soon anyways
Jawline said:
not true at all, even mason doesn't scam offsite anymore ask @haloreAch lmao.

you've basically admitted to scamming so you'll be banned soon anyways
1) I didn't admit to no scamming
2) Halo isn't sat with Mason 24/7
3) I used to be close with Mason and he scams offsite all the time.
Why'd I get tagged here? Lol, am I missing something?
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