Buying unbanned tag for $300


Power member.
First I would like to say I'm new to the forums and being new I lack your trust so I will pay you in any form of payment I can if I like the name.

Please don't ignore this thread and see me as a scammer! I just am willing to spend the money to finally get an OG Gamertag!
RE: Would like to buy an unbanned OG for $300

Just change the thread title to buying an OG. It looks really retarded, but good luck finding one and make sure you use a middleman.
RE: Would like to buy an unbanned OG for $300

If you can get ahold of moneypak you shouldn't have a problem finding a nice tag
RE: Would like to buy an unbanned OG for $300

I have a tag you might be interested in, PM me once you've reached 10 posts
If you get MP ill sell you some nice fucking tags, so nice they make my signature look bad. P.S im cocky.
Create said:
Just change the thread title to buying an OG. It looks really retarded, but good luck finding one and make sure you use a middleman.

Oops! I changed it. Yeah I probably should use a middle man, but how am I supposed to do that when I don't know anybody? :/
cybriss said:
Oops! I changed it. Yeah I probably should use a middle man, but how am I supposed to do that when I don't know anybody? :/

You could either use Philly (the owner of this site, but he charges) or just ask around and find out who's trusted.
I will sell you the gamertag Sniper for $100 Hmu dood
Lies? Sniper would sell for like $500 or that's what my lowest bid would be on it. 0.0
You're most likely going to have to use Moneypak if you wanna get a nice tag. Also, use Philly or Chill as a middleman and you'll be golden. Good luck, dude!
ALWAYS use a MM, weather someone looks trusted or not, if they see you're a new member and think they have a chance to make some quick money, they'll usually take it.
Trip said:
I will sell you the gamertag Sniper for $100 Hmu dood

Either you're scamming or you're just an idiot if you're selling it for $100
cybriss said:
Oops! I changed it. Yeah I probably should use a middle man, but how am I supposed to do that when I don't know anybody? :/

I can be your middleman if you like.
Fucking idiots obviously trolling just like noscope does.
Lol Trip, I knew you had to be lying... No one is dumb enough, to sell that for that little... Well maybe their is someone that dumb.
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