Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway! *CLOSED*


Onyx user!
Hey everyone! I recently acquired an email by the name of:
I'm giving it away because I'm getting a new email and no longer need it. I have the recovery email/question and birthday information in my possession.
Pick a number and once all slots are filled the winning number will get the email.
1: Bing
2: Shadow
3: Skunk
4: Torvalds
5: Superman
6: Skeleto
7: Doctor ( Sorry bud, no number 8 )


===Doctor is the winner! (
Thanks to all those who entered! Might do one later
Good luck to all
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

I will take number five. Thanks in advance.
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

I'll take number 2 bro , thanks , good luck everyone
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

I will take number 4 please.
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

ill take number 8 bro, thanks
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

Doctor said:
ill take number 8 bro, thanks

Sorry to say bro the list only goes up to 7 , choose another number bro
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

I'll take 3 please. Thanks man
RE: Cabbage's ~FIRST~ Giveaway!

#1 please, Thanks man

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