Calling out the FAKE- Satanist.

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It doesn't take time or effort to SWAT somebody, I could have SWAT at any member of this forums' house within 5 - 10 minutes. Also, to most people it isn't just an inconvenience, when I call most kids houses their parents freak the fuck out and go crazy at the kid, imagine if the SWAT was in their house? They'd be fucking pissed and it'd be more than just an inconvenience. If you call and do it in a certain way, the victims door will be ripped down and they would literally storm the house, I'm pretty sure most of the kids on these kinda forums/ xbox would be grounded or even banned from the internet if this kinda thing happened to them.

Also, it wouldn't be possible to SWAT me neither because you'd have to dox me first trololol.

Atta boy! Lmao

Vouch, this kid swatted me 3 times. We had to buy 2 new doors all together.

True shit people think they are bad ass over the internet now a days... I mean when your life is ended because you stay on the internet acting like a bad ass that when everything gonna end.

Vouch, and also Jon is right just let it go, you're obviously mad bro.
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