can someone junk or close this

The Host

Active Member
I literally had crazy reactions in the 12 hours I owned this tag. I've had similar, if not , better reaction that my main.

Capped perfectly. I will edit the thread in 30 min and remove tag. Please don't quote this. Just comment below. Thank you

RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

$500 easy imo. You fucking Microsoft E******* , your support sucks.
RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

@agony I'm sorry I banned you. Microsoft promised me 48 hour trials if I ban OG gamertags even if your innocent
RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

Probably put a bin of 600 on this, sick tag.
RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

Magic said:
No one in their right mind would sell this gamertag for $60.
well the kid had a thread selling this for 60, and people knew it was good to be true, they thought he was gonna pb or something if someone bought. apparently a scammer owned it.
RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

you bought two of the tags I wanted to buy then afterwards I tried to buy another sick semi but the guy forgot his security info
i cri everytime
but I would say 400-500$

btw i'll PM you the tag i was gonna get.
RE: Appraise this OG Gamertag

I would say easily 450-550. nice tag, if you're wanting some to low ball the hell out of it for $300 hit me up! ;)
Can someone junk or close this thanks in advance