There are a few members on here that I have gotten to know more thoroughly throughout the year or so. Otherwise, everyone starts on the same level of interests. Everyone to me is an acquaintance until I further know who they are.
I can say that @deuce and @user are the two realist I have gotten to know by far the best. Another would be @leader, but he slowly drifted away from me once he became "popular" among the forums once I had helped him get started. I know @fear in real life for as long as I can remember as we are neighbors, so communication between us had always been there. I feel I am growing more and more relationships with some of the staff as well. @poe and I have similar interests in hobbies, cars, etc. @pun and I knew each other before the site (good times. lol) and @cruzah and I have always spoke on aim (somehow he had my random ass aim added, and I was always there to help him out). @basedgod and I are on real good terms as well. @rude, @reptar and @random all respect me as well, and I give them props and respect them back. @monty and I are always on a great level as well. The relationship I have with @yeti will never break since that kid has saved my life, and I owe it to him.
Edit: forgot to mention @prepare LOL. We also speak to each other, and have spoken for a great while as well.
So I would say there are just a few handfuls of people you really can come to trust until you finally understand who they are and where they come from in life, whether they be young or old.