cheesemoo59 said:Hello, my name is cheesemoo59 and I'll be doing a review of this eBook.
Method Quality : 9.5/10
When I first saw this only one this popped right into my head "Beginner Monetizer Haven". This e-book has every thing a beginner needs, there was even things in there that I learned from.
Hat: White
This e-book is 100% whitehat unless you make a special twist to it.
Grammar: 9/10
I only saw a few grammar mistakes, but they do not bring down the quality of the method. (I had a small chat with the op, and his grammar surprised me.
Saturation Chances(This scale goes from 0-10): 0.1/10
I am sure the methods put in this e-book will never get saturated.
Overall: 9.5/10
This was an AMAZING ebook, and I recommend this to everyone. The potential in this ebook has can not be put into words.
ZUEY said:Vouch for iJezuz. He's a trustworthy user and a great salesman. You'll be earning your money back in your first day, and I can gurantee that.
Total Pages: 44
Good luck
carbonate said:Huge vouch for this eBook! Really good detail! 44 pages! It's worth the money. One of the best eBooks I have seen!
Eeluminati said:Vouch, good luck with sales Jezuz! You have good stuff.
My Current PayPal Balance:
Using These Methods!
Mater said:Received a copy of this e-book, and this is my honest opinion.
I must say that it was an educational read containing extensive information of what the method involves in which a beginner can understand. In saying this, the author has provided step-by-step guides and a plethora of resources to utilize, effectively guiding you on your venture. The method has an essence of originality reinforced by the many quick pointers and starter tips in which the author provides. There is an optional investment which is not necessary, as the e-book teaches you how to act smart in order to maximize your earnings and income Although the layout and appearance of the e-book is mediocre, this factor is outweighed by the detailed information and contents of the e-book.
As stated on the thread, this e-book is not one of those "get rich quick" schemes and there never will be one. It will require you to work and the earnings vary depending on the amount of work you put in. If dedication is placed towards the implementation of this method, the end results of your earnings will be astonishing.
Do not hesitate to buy this e-book. It will be extremely beneficial and helpful.
Good luck OP with sales.
I had a beer said:Method type: Whitehat
Review:This method is 100% legal and could never ever be saturated. This Ebook is a unique method that Zuey has provided, with extra tools to maximize profits. This guide requires some effort and an initial investment. However using this method you could easily make that back in under a week. The guide was easy to read however lacking some detail, I found there could of been more description in some places. Apart from that this is a good Ebook that can make you lots of money.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Note to seller:
Say that you require an initial investment in the OP.
Add pictures where needed.
Note to Potential Buyers:
There is almost no competition and the method can't be saturated ever.
I am not responsible for any negative outcomes from this e-book, I am not the maker of this e-book. This is not an official review, I am not a part of the 'Reviewers' usergroup, I am not claiming to be providing official reviews. Credits to Deagler for the layout
Autopost said:Well worth the $7.00 in my opinion;
It's a well structured guide and was well worth it, requires very minimal investment and the method can't be saturated. I see no reason that you couldn't be earning $1000 a month if you put in enough effort with this method, there's no cut off point, if you wanted to use this method over and over there's nothing stopping you. The little hints in the E-Book pretty much guarantees you success when you purchase this method, so I have no hesitation in recommending this guide to anyone who needs some extra cash in there bank account.
V?nnie said:I can vouch for Jewy that this method does somewhat work, it's pretty original tbh.
Stay Plural said:vOOOOUCh for Zuey! member, amazed this works.
Bonesaw said:This eBook works and the scheme behind it is simple, but hard.
Empowerment said:Vouching for said product/thread. Great.
MHC said:Vouch for Zuey, trusted user.
Nidhish said:Looks amazing Zeuy. Good luck on your sales bro
Prime said:I've seen Zuey his marketing skills and I came to the solution that he's a GENIUS marketer!
Big vouch for ma nigga. :thumbsup:
Ynne said:Yup, this really is good. Vouch for Zuey.
Vizixify said:Vouch! Zuey is a legit guy. Known him for a while and he's a cool guy. He gave me a review copy of this eBook and it, so far, has earned me $40 in the third day of getting it. Thanks
Lovat said:Can vouch for this, genuine user with a good guide. Good luck with sales bud.
kkburnout said:Vouch, Also I hear OP has formidable genitalia. Not disclosing if firsthand knowledge or not....
Soap. said:Vouch for Zuey.
This method is a working process, but it's totally worth it.
If anyone wants to ask questions for me, just quote me.
Tundrun said:Zuey is a legitfish 100% trustable kthx.
TwigX said:Very nice book, Vouch for you sir, Shame about the thread layout just about gave me cancer
12/7/12 said:Vouch This completely works! I bought this and its working perfectly fine. GLWS
Nikko said:Wow. Why didn't I think of this. It's so simple lmfao. Vouch for Zuey.
Skiezo™ said:Vouch for Zuey,
Legitimate user. Good luck with sales.