Cashle Contest/E-book Promotion


Active Member
I'm looking for new referrals to this amazing site called Cashle. They give you up to one USD ($1) per referral and the cash-out minimum is $1. So to kick start this I'm going to be giving away a copy of my e-book to every one out of ten people who signs up using my link. Just register and then fill out the demographic information; then send me a pm with your username. People who complete one of the quick free offers after registration will be more likely to win and after only five people complete a free offer; a winner out of those five will be selected.

I will also give a 50% discount on my e-book to everyone who signs up during this three-day promotion, that is right; my e-book will only be $2.50 if you just sign up and complete only one free offer.

If you decide to take advantage of this promotion then I would personally like to thank you for your time.

If you would like to join in on this please click here
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