[Cheap] GameFly exploit Get FREE games! [$2]

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I am now selling my first ever Ebook. It is all about getting free games from GameFly. I found this exploit 100% by my self and I have all rights to the Ebook and all its contents.

Cost: $2 or 5m RSGP
Resell rights: NONE
PM me for payment details
PayPal or RSGP only!

I am giving 1 review copy to the most trusted member (must be some sort of donator or staff of runegear) that PMs me.

Note: Its cost more if you use RSGP because I would rather have money in my PayPal then more RSGP.
Also, I am only selling 10 copies through RSGP.
Edit: I updated prices. Now even lower!!! Buy it while I'm still selling
I wouldn't mind verifying this for you, Im no moderator or admin, but i could help.

Pm'ing you now to see if your interested.
iolaka said:
I'm pretty sure this is a public method...

If it is, its because I gave away about 15 copies on Hackforums to the l33ts and ub3rs.

Otherwise, its private and I found it by my self.

Oxide said:
I'll try and verify this for you if you want.

@"Chewbaka is already on it. I will send you a copy also though.
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