[Cheap RS account]


Active Member
Just my account I used whenever I got bored. Has been mine since creation!!! (NOT DUMPED/HACKED)

Noticeable items: Full void.

Noticeable quests completed: Desert Treasure. Lunar diplomacy/dream mentor. Forgiveness of a chaos dwarf. Monkey Madness. Summers End.

attack: 75 strength: 81 defence: 71 range: 80 prayer: 56 magic: 95 runecrafting: 39 construction: 48 dungeoneering 37 constitution: 80 agility: 50 herblore: 40 thieving: 64 crafting: 61 fletching:76 slayer: 38 hunter: 64 mining: 74 smithing: 51 fishing: ?? cooking: 71 firemaking: 65 woodcutting: 70 farming: ??? summoning: 38

What you get: Creation date, Creation/most recent ISP, Username/Password (ofc) email address changed to yours (going onto mine and confirming the change)


no bank pin proof:



Think I've included everything! First time selling account.

Starting bid: 10m

Sorry for bad quality !!!
Frankly,I suggest using screensnapr as I could barely read much of the text on the pictures.

I doubt there would be any use for the account,sorry.
Gaged said:
Frankly,I suggest using screensnapr as I could barely read much of the text on the pictures.

I doubt there would be any use for the account,sorry.
Screensnapr is near the worst program you could use in terms of image quality, even though image hosts have nothing to do with it.
Goddamn ._.

And of course there's a use for it.

@Predator, Imageshack is fine.
If you want quality images, don't resize them. By the looks of it you resized them in paint and uploaded without cropping them.
Cant u also use the Snipping tool to take the picture and Upload it to Photobucket and post the html thats the easiest way, and ill bid 10m just to get u started

39 runecrafting, 95 magic.
My bad. Thieving it is then
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